In just over 1 hour, you can promote your site to:-
* All our Article Directories including Ezinearticles
* Use 20 Video directories
* 20 Social Bookmarking Sites
* Close to 40 fantastic RSS Aggregators
Create sites based on your keyword or niche phrases and your content on:-
*Yahoo 360
*MSN Live Spaces
*Tons more coming!
Then post these links and feeds via the RSS Aggregators. Strategically link all these sites together forming a nice SEO linking loop so they rank very well. All linking to your Main Site.
The new feeds created above are automatically submitted to our top RSS Aggregators, distributing their content including links to your sites.
Links from the massively powerful Video, Article and Social Bookmarking Directories.
Learn how using our Brute Force SEO Strategies to grow 1000's of links ove 2 to 3 months durationfrom Just 1 Run or just over 1 hour of your time!
Sound like your site can use this massive power in Google?
Now you have power and speed on your side, how many sites can you make to profit from the Massive leveraging of these Social Web 2 sites in Google?
Heres the thing, now you have so much extra time you can focus on testing many more niches, focus on growing your business, instead of wasting your time doing your promotions manually.
After 3 months, and many updates to our software we are now releasing some spots again.
Only 4 days till the doors open again, for how long? Not sure, So please secure your spot
now by getting on the Waiting list. This list will get emailed before any other lists.
See the countdown timer on the site.
11am 1st May 2009 is the time.
Oops. nearly forgot. All Brute Force Members ALSO get my massively powerful New Twitter
Tool = Brute Force Twitter Smachdown Software, which enabled me to get over 46,000 Yes thats thousands in under 3 months on my 2 twitter Accounts.
peterdrew and peteinoz (see the stats for yourself)
looking forward to seeing you in the
SeoFightClub forum :)
1 comment:
I'm informing you of a new website that might be interesting to you or your readers. It's a website that pays you money for finding misspelled words on advertisers websites. I think this has the potential to be very popular. It's www.Typobounty.com There is a write up on it on urlwire
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